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Increase in sexual harassment cases in the banking sector

The Comply Karo Services has helped companies in different sectors to comply with the Sexual Harassment of women at workplace. As per the recent data put together, the banking sector has reported more number of cases of sexual harassment in the year 2016-17 than in 2015-16.

The Comply Karo Services has helped companies in different sectors to comply with the Sexual Harassment of women at workplace. As per the recent data put together, the banking sector has reported more number of cases of sexual harassment in the year 2016-17 than in 2015-16. 

Out of the 25 banks listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, 210 cases of sexual harassment has been reported, an increase of 5% from the previous year. Out of these 210 cases, ICICI Bank topped the list with 95 cases, Axis Bank reported 32 cases and the number for HDFC was 16. Transparency in the organization and Awareness among the employees have led to the reporting of these incidents.

According to the experts, robust system created by the banks have been quite effective for the redressal where the employees are quite comfortable in discussing their issues without any fear. The zero tolerance policy has been adopted by various organizations towards the employees involved in the unacceptable behavior. The ICICI Bank where most number of cases were reported last year as well came out with the 100% redressal rate. ICICI Bank also brought in a policy to protect women employees against discrimination or any form of harassment at workplace much before the implementation of . Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013

The organizations have initiated a lot of programmes and trainings to aware women employees about their rights and give them a confidence to come forward against sexual harassment. One such initiative was launched by Yes Bank called Say YES to G.R.A.C.E (Gender Respect and Commitment to Equality) for every employee irrespective of gender.
The number of cases reported by nine PSU Banks this year is 47, down from 50 in the previous year. But, the number of cases has increased from 150 to 163 as reported by 10 private lenders. As per the state run lenders, pending cases increased from 22%  to 32% a year ago. 

The gap in reporting of the cases in private and public companies reflected the gap in level of awareness among employees. 

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Reviewed by:
Mehak Sharma
Published on 06-Oct-17

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