Why is FSSAI Important?
Every person who is dealing in food business is required to either register or possess a food license. This is mandated by the FSSAI.
The people dealing in the food business are known as Food Business Operators and include manufacturers, storage units, transporters, retailers, marketers, distributors, etc. All of them including small food business owners including people with tea shops need to have some form of permission from the authority to carry on their business.
Bigger businesses must have a state license or central license to carry on business. Without license or registration, any food business can be shut down by the FSSAI at any time with huge penalties.
What is the FSSAI license and how much does it cost to get a license or registration done?
The FSSAI gives permission to FBOs to carry out food business which could have a potential impact on the health of hundreds of people. The FSSAI has several branch offices all across India to check if the food standards are met by FBOs through permission grant numbers.
This permission from the FSSAI is known as the license or permission to operate in the food industry and is therefore known as the food license or the FSSAI license. An FSSAI license is a 14-digit number that is granted to any food business operator who registers his or her food business.
Fees for FSSAI License and Registration
To understand the process of obtaining a License or to register your food business, and to check if you are eligible to apply for a state or central license, you can visit our post on the FSSAI License and Registration Process. Various documents required for fssai License and registration.
As previously mentioned, there are different kinds of permission available from the FSSAI depending on the type of Food Business Operation and its scale of operation which is also its turnover per annum.
Based on the above-mentioned aspects, the registration and licensing is classified into the following types:
FSSAI Registration
Central License
State License

Fees for FSSAI Registration
The Fee for registration with FSSAI is the lowest among the different categories of licensing and registration.
The fee is a small amount, keeping in mind even small tea shop owners, hawkers or snack vendors so they can apply for registration with the FSSAI.
The Fee for registration is as follows:
The fees for the new registration certificate is Rs. 100/- per year
The fees for the fssai license renewal is also Rs. 100/- per year
If you wish to apply for a duplicate copy of the registration certificate, 10% of the original fee for registration certificate will be charged
Fees for FSSAI State License
A manufacturer or a miller with above 1Metric Ton (MT) per day Production or 10,001 to 50,000 Litres Per Day (LPD) of milk Or 501 to 2500 MT of milk solids per annum, has to pay Rs. 5000 for a license
The manufacturer and miller with the production of Below 1 MT of Production and 501 to 10,000 LPD of milk Or 2.5 MT to 500 MT of milk solids per annum have to Rs. 3000 as a fee for FSSAI License.
The Hotels up to 4 Star has to Rs. 5000 as a fee for FSSAI License.
Food vendors & Other food Business Operator including restaurants/boarding houses, clubs, etc. serving food, Canteens in Schools, Colleges, Office and Institutions, Caterers, Banquet halls with food catering arrangements, have to pay Rs 2000 as a fee for FSSAI License
The fee for Renewal of this license will depend upon the number of years selected
The Fee for a Duplicate license will 10% of the Applicable License Fee
Fees for FSSAI Central License
In order to apply for a new license, the fee of Rs. 7500 has been fixed annually
To renew the license, FSSAI has also been fixed at Rs. 7500 per year
To improve the license, the fee will also be Rs .7500
A duplicate license will be given at the rate of 10% of the application fee i.e. 10% of the 7500 Rupees
What are the rules for Food Safety and Standards?
FBOs are to comply with several rules and regulations stated by the FSSAI. Some of the important ones are listed below:
FBOs must display the license granted on the premises where the business is being carried out.
If any authorised person from the FSSAI comes to inspect the premises, access has to be provided to that person.
The periodic annual return is to be submitted to the FSSAI.
FBOs also have to keep in mind and observe strictly the sanitation and hygiene standards prescribed by the FSSAI.
FBOs involved in the production process is required to have a technical person to supervise the process.
If at any time, there are changes in the Food Business, the FBO must notify the FSSAI.
FBOs can only produce the items mentioned in their license.
FBOs are required to have separate daily records for raw materials used, produced items and sales made.
FBOs must ensure the delivery of safe food by getting substances tested by FSSAI approved laboratories once every six months.
Machines etc. must be cleaned regularly and using proper systems.
FBOs must ensure that the labeling of foods should conform to the regulations and should not mislead the consumers.
Finally, FBOs should adhere to the strict standards of safety of food and its nutrition and ensure that the standards of hygiene are met in order to avoid heavy penalties.
To know more
If you need in-depth information regarding food safety regulations and licenses, or if you need to consult an expert lawyer regarding any query with respect to your food business, MyAdvo, a legal tech facilitator helps you in this.
Not only do we help find lawyers anywhere in India online, but we’ll also help you with all or any questions on food-related laws. We can help you with the appropriate kind of licensing and registration/renewal for your food business or any other related issues that you may be facing on everyday basis. With the use of technological solutions, MyAdvo matches your requirements with the lawyer based on expertise, location, etc.
All you have to do is connect with us at support@myadvo.in or call us at +91-9811782573 and express your concerns right away and we’ll look into the rest.