Intellectual Property Rights are legal rights granted to a person for his work that includes his invention of creative designs, literary works, symbols, or phrases for a fixed duration of time. Copyright is one of the Intellectual Property Rights.
What is Copyright?
Copyright is a right which the law gives to the creator or owner of any literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work and the work of producers in the form of cinematograph films and sound recordings.
The owners of the copyright have certain exclusive rights which enable them to use their property without disturbance and to prevent the misuse of their property. Copyright comes with a bundle of rights that include rights of reproduction, communication to the public, adaptation, and translation of the work.
The term ‘copyright’ is not defined in the Copyright Act, 1957 and in general terms, it means the “right to copy” is available only at the discretion of the owner. Originality and not novelty is the key to assign copyright. It exists only on expression and not on ideas.
Under Section 13 of the Copyright Act, 1957, copyright exists in the following works:
Literary work (including computer programs, tables, and compilations including computer literary databases)
Dramatic work
Musical work
Artistic work
Cinematograph films
Sound recordings

Importance of Copyright
Protects the rights of authors over their creations, thereby protecting and rewarding their creativity.
Creativity and progress go hand in hand, therefore, no civil society can exist without copyright protection and hence, the work of an author is protected.
It motivates the owner and others and induces them to create more and thereby creates an environment inclusive of creativity.
Strikes a balance between the rights of the owner as well as the society.
Rights of a Copyright Owner
A copyright owner is entitled to the following rights-
Produce their work in public
Publish their work
Perform their work in public
Translate their work
Make any cinematograph film or a record of their work
Broadcast their work
Make an adaptation of their work
Make copies of their work and distribute them
Make derivatives of their work
Prevent others from making unauthorized use of copyrighted work
The term of copyright in case of literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic works is the lifetime of the author while for cinematograph films, records, photographs, posthumous publication, etc., the term exists for sixty years from the date of publication. In case of broadcasting, copyright exists for twenty-five years from the year in which the broadcast was made.
Meaning of Copyright Infringement
Use of any copyrighted work without the permission of the owner amounts to copyright infringement. Infringement occurs when a person intentionally or unintentionally copies/uses the work of another without credit. Infringement is usually classified into two categories- primary infringement and secondary infringement.
Primary infringement is the actual act of copying, while secondary infringement includes unauthorised dealings like selling the pirated books, importing, etc. In the case of secondary infringement, knowledge of infringement is present with the infringer while in the case of primary infringement, knowledge may or may not be present.
When does Copyright infringement occur?
In India, copyright infringement occurs when-
Copies of copyrighted work are made for sale/hire without permission or authority, like in the case of online piracy
A copyrighted work is performed in a public place
Infringing copies are distributed for the purpose of trade and personal gains
Public exhibition of infringing copies by way of trade prejudicial to the owner
Infringing copies are imported from another country into India
What does not amount to infringement?
There are certain acts that do not amount to copyright infringement. However, there are some conditions that must be fulfilled to ensure that copyright infringement has not occurred. These conditions include the use of a copyrighted work for research, study, criticism, review, news reporting, use in a library, schools, and legislations. Such uses of copyrighted work are permitted without the need to obtain permission from the copyright owner.
Other acts that do not amount to copyright infringement in India are:
Fair use: An important defence against copyright infringement, defined under Section 53 of the Copyright Act. The burden of proof of an act of copyright infringement is on the owner
Connected judicial proceeding
Performance by an amateur club or society, if the performance is in front of a non-paying audience
Making sound recordings of literary, dramatic, or musical works under certain conditions
Actions against Copyright Infringement
The key requirements for taking an action against copyright infringement include:
Proof of ownership of copyright
Substantial similarity between the original and the infringed copy
Copying amounts to improper appropriation
The first thing to do is to send a legal notice for copyright infringement to the person or entity guilty of copyright violation. In the case of online copyright infringement, a takedown notice may be sent to the person or company involved. A copyright owner can take several actions against copyright infringement under the civil and criminal laws.
The civil actions against copyright infringement are given under Section 55 of the Copyright Act, 1957. Under a civil action against copyright infringement, the court can grant the following reliefs:
Interlocutory Injunction: It is the most important relief as it prevents the infringer from doing anything that amounts to copyright infringement.
Financial Relief: Under Section 55 and Section 58 of the Copyright Act, the copyright owner can claim three remedies- profits which lets the owner get the profits made through an unlawful act, compensatory damages and conversion damages calculated according to the value of the infringing article.
Anton Pillar Order: It restrains the infringer from dealing in infringing goods or destroying them. It also allows the copyright owner and his lawyer to enter and search the premises of the infringer and take goods into safe custody. Under this order, the infringer is required to disclose the names of all the suppliers and customers of infringing goods.
Mareva Injunction: It is an order under which the court gets temporary custody of infringing goods, thereby preventing any chances of disposal.
Norwich Pharmacal Order: It is passed to discover information from a third party.
What happens if you Infringe a Copyright?
Under the Copyright Act, 1957, criminal action against copyright infringement can also be taken. The person found guilty of copyright infringement would be liable for punishment for imprisonment for not less than 6 months and up to 3 years, or fine of at least Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2 lakhs.
Under the criminal action taken against copyright infringement, a search and seizure of infringing goods may also be ordered by the court and the infringing goods may be delivered to the actual copyright owner. To file a case against copyright infringement, find a lawyer to fight your case from our list of top copyright lawyers.
How to Avoid Copyright Infringement?
Here are some tips from the best copyright lawyers to avoid copyright infringement:
If you are not using an original literary, artistic or musical work, it is important to check all the licenses and permissions. Many copyright owners allow their work to be used without the need for direct permission, whereas, most copyright owners allow the use of their work only after you obtain a license or permission from them.
Make sure that you use a copyrighted work under the ‘fair use’ policy for educational or research purposes.
When getting a copyright for your work, consult a copyright lawyer to make sure that you are not infringing an already existing work.
Awareness about copyright infringement and copyright laws is important in a developing society, as creativity is an essence of growth. It is important to talk to a copyright lawyer at every stage of dealing with copyrighted work. This includes assistance for filing a copyright application, dealing with copyright infringement and defending the copyright. MyAdvo has a network of best copyright lawyers in India. Start by sending us an email at or call us at +919811782573.
External Links:
[1] Copyright Act, 1957 - An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to copyright.